Our services.

  • Choose up to 10 services to customize your own Package

    1. Website Building

    2. Social Media Account Creation

    3. Edited Advertisements

    4. Professional Photographs

    5. Professional Video + Edits

    6. Logo Creation

    7. Slogan Creation

    8. Paid Ads Consultation

    9. Social Media Strategy

    10. Professionally Written Email Blasts

    11. Influencer Connection

    12. Drone Operation + Edited Video

    13. Reporter and Media Reach

    14. Media Quotes and Statement Writing For Media Coverage

    15. Full Summary of Event/Announcement to media outlets for coverage

    16. Creating media talking points that will engage and interest the media in your company

    17. Creation of Linked In Post

    18. Policy Writing

    19. Facebook Shop Set Up

    20. Online Shop Overview and Makeover

    21. Expansion Strategy

    22. Creation of a Social Media Campaign

    23. Search Engine Optimization

    24. Potential Client Outreach

    25. Creation of Digital Art

    26. Complete Analysis of Business including

    • SWOT and PEST Analysis

    • Creation of a New Marketing Strategy

    • Creation of a New Branding

    • Creation of a New Sales Technics

    • Re-designing the Organizational Structure of the Company