Level 1 Social Media Package


Are you struggling to keep up with your social media accounts? Do you feel like you're constantly playing catch-up? VVV can help. We offer social media management services starting at just $3,000 per month. For that price, we'll take over two of your social media profiles and post 3-5 times per week. We'll also help you revive your brand and come up with bold, out-of-the-box branding that will help you stand out from the competition.

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What You Get

- Management of 2 social media profiles

(Instagram and Facebook)

- Scheduling

- Posting (3-5x/ week)

- Captions

- Hashtags

- Profile optimization

- Content monitoring and inventory


- Monthly analytics reports

- Quarterly campaign and strategy pitches

- Dedicated account manager

- Daily Community Management 5x/week

- Daily Stories (Morning & Evening)

- 10 static or animated graphics created per month

formatted for either stories or posts

- Weekly team calls