Level 3 Social Media Management


Are you ready to take your social media presence to the next level? With our social media management services, we can help you revamp your online image and connect with your target audience like never before. For just $4500 a month, we'll manage two of your social media profiles, posting 3-5 times a week. We'll also help you come up with bold, out-of-the-box branding that will really make you stand out from the competition. Ready to get started? Contact us today!

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What You Get

- Management of 2 social media profiles

(Instagram and Facebook)

- Scheduling

- Posting (4-7x/ week)

- Captions

- Hashtags

- Profile optimization

- Content monitoring and inventory


- Monthly analytics reports

- Quarterly campaign and strategy pitches

- Dedicated account manager

- Daily Community Management 7x/ week

- Daily Stories (Morning & Evening)

- Bi-monthly Photo/Video shoot 30 photos +

12 reels (location, models, props extra fee)

- 35 static or animated graphics created per month

formatted for either stories or posts

- Weekly team calls